Country: Romania
School: Colegiul National Gheorghe Sincai Cluj-Napoca
Grade and age: 11th Grade (17-18 years old)
Discipline: Sociology
Topic: Group dynamics
CSC Danilo Dolci
Soil quality monitoring
Country: Romania
School: Colegiul Tehnic C.D. Nenitescu Baia Mare
Grade and age: 12th Grade (18-19 years old)
Discipline: Soil Quality Monitoring
Topic: Quality Chemical Indicators
The sets of numbers
Country: Romania
School: Colegiul Națonal „Emil Racoviță” Cluj-Napoca
Grade and age: 9th grade (14-15 years old)
Discipline: Mathematics
Topic: Sets of numbers
Using Reggae to explore Social Justice
Country: UK
School: Cleeve School and Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
Grade and age: Year 8 (12-13 years old)
Discipline: Music
Topic: Reggae Music
Composing a Blues song
Country: UK
School: Cleeve School and Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
Grade and age: Year 8 (12-13 years old)
Discipline: Music
Topic: Blues Music
Thinking about the Key Features of Blues Music
Country: UK
School: Cleeve School and Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
Grade and age: Year 8 (12-13 years old)
Discipline: Music
Topic: Blues Music
Panda Conservation
Country: UK
School: Cleeve School and Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
Grade and age: Year 7 (11-12 years old)
Discipline: Science
Topic: Life Diversity: Biodiversity and Conservation
Water on the Moon Mission
Country: UK
School: Cleeve School and Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
Grade and age: Year 7 (11-12 years old)
Discipline: Science
Topic: Space
History of the Periodic Table
Country: UK
School: Cleeve School and Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
Grade and age: Year 7 (11-12 years old)
Discipline: Science
Topic: Atoms, Elements and the Periodic Table: Periodic Table
English language
Country: Lithuania
School: VIMS – Vilnius International Meridian School
Grade and age: 7th grade – 12-13 years old
Discipline: Lithuanian and English languages
Topic: Anne Frank: The diary of a Young Girl