University of Gloucestershire (UK)
The University of Gloucestershire is a public university based in Gloucestershire, England. It is located over three campuses, two in Cheltenham and one in Gloucester, namely Francis Close Hall, Park and Oxstalls. The University provides over 120 undergraduate courses and around 70 taught post-graduate courses within three faculties; Media, Arts and Technology, Business Education and Professional Studies, and Applied Sciences. The University is ranked in the top 20 in the UK for accounting and finance, biosciences, media and photography and film studies. A 10-year Memorandum of Understanding exists between the University, Gloucestershire College and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College to support access to higher education.
Contact Person:
Ben Screech –
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is a non-profit association based in Palermo, Italy, involving young people and adults, which mainly acts through projects in the educational field carried out in cooperation with schools, universities, institutions, associations and social groups both at local and international level. Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is based on the experience of social and educational work carried out by Danilo Dolci and his collaborators, which started in Eastern Sicily back in 1952.
The Centre stemmed from the need to offer local communities a reality committed to solving local problems practically, developing a creative space in which fostering awareness and bottom-up planning were the center of the action, and thereby paving the way for a real change. From the beginning, the main focus of the Center has been non-violent education practices as well as the development of a methodology – the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach – able to ease creative development at school and in the local area.
At the present, CSC “Danilo Dolci” works at local and European levels, focusing on two main pillars: Local Development, starting from the needs of the community and paying special attention to the most disadvantaged target groups; Creativity, promoting innovation in education and using new methodologies to empower the young, adults and professionals.
Contact Person:
Alessandro Bosco –
Asociatia LSDGC (Romania)
Asociatia Lectura si Scrierea pentru Dezvoltarea Gandirii Critice Romania (Romanian Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Association) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization set up in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 2002. We promote reading and writing for critical thinking.
Our flagship project was a pioneer project which helped introduce a rich and diversified set of active learning and critical thinking strategies into the national education system.
Our membership includes educators (teachers at all educational levels and teacher educators) interested in developing literacy and critical thinking skills as means of promoting quality education for all and sustainable development. We provide regular professional development opportunities by organizing training courses, roundtables and conferences, by developing and disseminating resources for educators, by sharing news from education around the world, and by conducting small scale research to inform practitioners and educational policy-makers. We take a progressive view on education and prize teachers’ professionalism. We cooperate with like-minded organizations from Romania and from other countries to complement and combine efforts to achieve our mission by learning together and supporting each other in the development and piloting of innovative approaches to increasing the quality of everyone’s learning experiences.
ALSDGC is a member organisation of the Federation of European Literacy Associations, of the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking International Consortium, the European Literacy Network, and it acts as the National Affiliate of the International Literacy Association.
Contact Person:
Ariana-Stanca Vacaretu –
Siuolaikiniu Didaktiku Centras/ Modern Didactics Centre (Lithuania)
Modern Didactics Centre is an NGO, working in the field of non-formal education since the end of 1999. It acts as private, non-profit organization for the improvement of teachers’ and other groups of adults’ (including young adults) competences.
MDC mission – to initiate and implement strategic education development projects and programmes that contribute to the improvement of quality in education, by monitoring, exploring and analyzing general state of education, needs and possibilities of Lithuania’s educational institutions and adult learners.
The organization develops and implements innovative projects and programs, organizes workshops and study visits, provides a consultancy and expertise service, and carries out research, publishing and disseminating its products. MDC works with schools, adult education centers, universities, youth organizations, other NGOs all over the country and abroad. Specific areas of expertise – critical and creative thinking, anti-corruption education, modern didactics, multiply literacy, adult education.
MDC is member of several professional networks – Lithuania’s Adults Education Association, LITDEA (Lithuania’s Network for Development Education and Awareness Raising), RWCT IC (Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking International Consortium).
Contact Person:
Daiva Penkauskienė –