Good Practice Toolkit
The current toolkit is aimed at sharing key ideas of the GROWE approach and examples of good practice. It also includes practical tips from the project’s implementation by secondary school teachers in Italy, Romania, Lithuania and the UK. “GROWE – Get readers on the wavelength of the emotions”, is a project co-funded by the Erasmus + programme. It aims to develop students’ literacy and social emotional skills by using authentic texts in the learning process.
All teachers, regardless of their subject, should support their students to develop their literacy and social emotional skills. The GROWE model is an innovative approach, tested by teachers in four European countries.
This toolkit has been created for secondary school teachers. It aims to:
Enhance knowledge and understanding
of what Disciplinary Literacy (DL) and Social and Emotional Skills (SES) is and how they can be developed;
Share practical tips
for planning and facilitating learning which fosters the development of DL and SES;
Provide support for the assessment
of students’ DL and SES and their progress in the development of these skills;
Support reflection on student learning outcomes
in GROWE lessons so that teachers can better respond to students’ DL and SES development needs.