What has been done?
The lesson was an introduction to Chemical Indicators of Quality. The lesson aimed to challenge the students to explore the importance of determining the values of these indicators and their relevance in real life contexts. The students were taught a reading strategy for monitoring their own understanding of an informational text, which they will be able to transfer to their learning process in any discipline.
What kind of dl or sel skills did you cover?
- Reading comprehension
- Relationship Skills – Seeking or offering support and help when needed
Which authentic text did you choose?
Title: S. P. L. Sorensen, the chemist who invented the pH concept
Description: Article retrieved from https://www.mediafax.ro/life-inedit/s-p-l-s-rensen-chimistul-care-a-inventat-conceptul-de-ph-omagiat-de-google-printr-un-doodle-special-17234196
Title: Soil pH – importance, how it can be adjusted
Description: Article retrieved from https://agrobiznes.md/de-ce-este-important-sa-cunosti-ph-ul-solului-si-cum-acesta-poate-fi-reglat.html
Title: Pedologie, Gh. Blaga, Cluj- Napoca, 2005
Title: Sistemul de agricultura ecologica, Bios, Chisinau 2018
Title: Particularitatile agriculturii organice, Chisinau 2003
Which results can you expect?
The students used the INSERT strategy mostly successfully. There were some who needed support getting started with this type of reading, and also some who did the reading and self-monitoring superficially, but most students worked hard to figure out what prevented their understanding and engaged in discussions to clarify the meaning of the text.
They developed the specific skills the lesson targeted, i.e. they learned to use the INSERT reading strategic to monitor their understanding, and they supported each other in working out the steps of the strategy and the meaning of the text.
What do students say?
What I liked most in this lesson was the learning method which was very effective. (Adela)
What I liked most was that we were all actively engaged, and we worked in teams. (Cristina)
What do teachers say?
This was the second time I used authentic texts with these groups of students and the lesson was probably more effective this time. There were some students who got bored, who were impatient and who analysed the text superficially without taking into account the suggestions that were made, but there were also students who enjoyed the lesson.
At the end of the lesson, I asked the students to write in their learning diary.
Lesson plan (Lesson plan_Soil reactions)